Easy Cocktails #5: White Rum Specials

We have ended up with three or four bottles of white rum (don’t ask how) and I realised that it can be used as a substitute for vodka, adding an extra flavour, as well as a cocktail ingredient in its own right. In the first one I adapted a recipe that called for grenadine and lime juice. I used lime cordial instead, and the result was very pleasant, as well as being a little less dessert like than previous efforts. Here I used a 50ml glass as my measure; as always, vary quantities and recipe as you wish. And drink responsibly. I would expect nothing less from you.

White Rum Special

Ingredients (for two)

1 measure gin

2 measures white rum (Bacardi or similar)

1 measure lime cordial

4 cubes ice


Chill everything including the shaker and glasses, in the fridge for at least an hour before. Put everything into the shaker. Shake well and strain into glasses. Garnish with lime slices, silly little umbrellas or nothing.

Easy Cocktails #5 White Rum Specials 1

The next was originally a cheat, being just a simple substitution of rum for vodka in a White Russian. We found a little vanilla syrup made it even better. It is indulgent and lovely.

White Rum White Russian

Ingredients (For two)

2 parts white rum

2 parts coffee liqueur

Vanilla syrup to taste, or sugar syrup; about half a part seems right

2 parts cream

2 lumps of ice

Vary these to taste.


Chill everything including the shaker and glasses, in the fridge for at least an hour before. Put the rum, liqueur, vanilla syrup and ice in the shaker. Shake vigorously and pour into glasses. Pour the cream on top; if you pour it slowly over the back of a spoon you can make it layered, but if it mingles, who cares? It tastes great.

Easy Cocktails #5 White Rum Specials 2

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