Easy Cocktails 4: Oblique Mudslide

This is another really naughty one. My version suits me; it may be a bit sweet for purists, but you could omit the sugar syrup and of course vary the quantities. I haven’t used ice in the shaker, either.

It slips down very easily, but you of course, drink responsibly. I used my cocktail shaker measure, which is about 40 ml. This gave two cocktails of a satisfying size for us. The grated chocolate is a nice touch. Initially I used cocoa powder, but Mrs Oblique found she was sniffing it up her nose. Not recommended.

Ingredients (For two)

3 measures vodka

3 measures Baileys or similar

3 measures coffee liqueur

3 measures double cream

1 measure sugar syrup

Grated chocolate


Chill everything including the shaker and glasses, in the fridge for at least an hour before. Put everything into the shaker except the chocolate. Shake well and strain into glasses. Grate chocolate over the top.

Easy Cocktails #4 Oblique Mudslide

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